InThe MicroscopebyStephanie Jyet Quan LooHow Resistance Exercise Changes Your Brain After 55?A deep dive into scientific studies to see whether it protects against Alzheimer’s DiseaseJul 10, 202433Jul 10, 202433
InMicrobial InstinctsbyShin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)The Reason Why Shingles Vaccine is Highly Protective Against DementiaIt may not have anything to do with shingles after all.Dec 17, 202481Dec 17, 202481
InBeingWellbyMichael Hunter, MDWhy I Stopped Taking Fish OilA NEW STUDY ASSESSED HEALTH CLAIMS on fish oil supplement labels in the United States. It also examined doses of eicosapentaenoic acid…Oct 18, 202319Oct 18, 202319
InBeingWellbyMichael Hunter, MDStop Getting Older! Six Steps to Slow AgingPOSITIVE LIFESTYLE CHANGE IS ASSOCIATED with a decrease in biological aging, according to a recently reported eight-week clinical trial…Feb 28, 20239Feb 28, 20239
InIn Fitness And In HealthbyKhyati JainAn Ideal Sleep Routine for Optimal Fat Loss5 things that you need to do to burn maximum fat in your sleep.Jun 7, 20227Jun 7, 20227
InBeingWellbyMichael Hunter, MDObesity and Exercise Have Opposite Effects on Muscle and FatA NEW STUDY SHEDS LIGHT ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO EXERCISE. Physical activity is an important tool for maintaining or restoring good…Oct 8, 20226Oct 8, 20226
Markham HeidWhy Your Gut Needs Regular Breaks From FoodA critical GI process — one that rebalances your microbiome — only happens when your stomach is empty.Aug 26, 202281Aug 26, 202281
InBeingWellbyMichael Hunter, MDWhat is the Optimal Exercise Dose? Reverse Engineering LongevityPHYSICAL ACTIVITY MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do to improve your health. Want to lower your risk of cancer? Looking to drop…Aug 27, 202210Aug 27, 202210
InBeingWellbyMichael Hunter, MDCan A Single Brain Scan Diagnose Alzheimer's?A SINGLE BRAIN MRI (COMBINED WITH A MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHM) can determine if an individual has Alzheimer's disease with 98 percent…Jul 4, 20225Jul 4, 20225